SLC6: Standard hardware¶
Installation and Configuration for CERN standard hardware PC models and peripherials.
This page describes SLC6 installation and configuration procedures
for standard CERN PC hardware models sold by CERN stores.
While many more types of PC hardware are known to operate correctly
while running Scientific Linux CERN 6, only models listed below have been tested
by the Linux Support team.
Please note: Lists below describe only PC hardware available for
purchase from CERN stores starting 2009.
Previous models are also supported unless stated
otherwise on this pages.
- Desktops (Please note: as of April 2016 we DO NOT TEST desktops on SLC6 anymore)
- Laptops (Please note: as of 2011 we DO NOT TEST laptops anymore)
- Other
- Virtual Machines
- HP 800G2
- TTL TeknoPro
- Dell Optiplex 7010
- HP 8300 Elite
- HP Compaq DC8200 Elite
- Dell Optiplex 790
- HP Compaq DC7900
- HP Compaq DC5750
HP 800G2
- Note: Built-in graphics card support is limited to 1024x768 resolution in unaccelerated mode with single display only.
Since April 2016 as a workaround, we recommend for better performance, stability and multi-screen support the purchase of an additional Nvidia card.
Please read carefully the known limitations and specifications of the proposed card HP Nvidia GT 730. - Note: Requires Scientific Linux CERN 6.7 or newer.
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
- If you use the addtional Nvidia card you must disable Integrated Video in HP BIOS: Enter Bios, go to the advanced tab and unclick "Integrated Video".
Dell Optiplex 7010
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
TTL TeknoPro
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
HP 8300 Elite
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
HP Compaq DC 8200 Elite
[SLC6] Please note there is a special step for Hardware including Nvidia NVS 300 Graphic Card. Please follow this procedure.Starting with SLC 6.3 this procedure is not needed anymore.- Please followup standard installation procedure.
Dell Optiplex 790
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
HP Compaq DC 7900
- This model has not been formally tested under SLC6, but it is known to work.
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
HP Compaq DC 5750
- This model has not been formally tested under SLC6, but it is known to work.
- Installation procedure:
- Change disk access mode to Native Mode IDE in the system BIOS.
- Please note: Do not use RAID mode in the BIOS: this will prevent dual-boot setups from working.
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
HP EliteBook 6930p

- This model has not been formally tested under SLC6, but it is known to work.
- Please followup standard installation procedure.
Virtual Machines
CVI service is no longer available at CERN.
<h2><a name="hpnvidiagt730"></a>HP NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 2GB PCIe </h2>
<img src="images/nvidia-gt730.png">
<li> Note: Test have been done with 2 monitors ; 1 connected through DVI and the other one through Display port.
<li> <em color="red">Note</em>: The highest supported resolution over DVI is 1920x1080 (As of April 2016, higher resolution showed graphic artifacts and unreadable fonts).
<br />
<li> <em color>Note</em>: Disable integrated graphic in your BIOS before starting the installation.
<li> <em color>Note</em>: At first boot X will not start, switch to a terminal and log as root and enable the nvidia driver.
<li> Install nvidia drivers from ElRepo repository:
# yum --enablerepo=elrepo install nvidia-x11-drv
# reboot