pkgCASTOR client sw2 1 11

CERN Linux certification status

Entities that depend on CASTOR client sw:


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
NA48unknown Andrew Maiertest2011-11-14
COMPASSunknown claude marchandtest2011-11-14
OPALfail Matthias SchroderworksformeWaiting for CERNLIB. Had to drop dependency on GPHIGS :(2011-11-15
CASTOR serviceunknown Massimo Lamannaworksforme2011-11-14
NA60unknown Andre Davidtest2011-11-14
IT-OISunknown Tim Bellwont2011-11-18
CMS-onlineunknown Marc Dobsontestblocking2011-12-02


nameversionstatusresponsiblesupportdependency statuscommenttimestamptestdistrib
SIXTRACKunknown Frank Schmidtwont2011-11-14
LIBSHIFTunknown Sebastien Ponceworksforme(from the CASTOR RPM)2011-11-14RPM

Current entity: CASTOR client sw (package)


nameversionstatusresponsiblesupportdependency statuscommenttimestamptestdistrib
CASTOR client sw2.1.11worksforme Sebastien Ponce(none)2011-11-14RPM

Entities that CASTOR client sw depends on:


OKtested and worked ok, no serious problems found
TESTTest in progress
FAILTested and failed
WONTWill not be tested (e.g. not part of the certification or will be running a custom version of Linux)
WORKSFORMETested (but not neccessarily by maintainer or exhaustive), seems to work.Also used for commercial applications without formal support for this platform, but which seem to work.
UNKNOWNnot tested or no feedback from maintainer, no other reports of success or failure
MISSINGrequired (perhaps only in previous versions) but not provided