CERN Linux certification status

Entities that depend on IT-DES:


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
IT-services (catchall)unknown Jan van Eldikwontblocking2010-12-15

Current entity: IT-DES (environment)


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
IT-DESunknown Mats Mollerwont2010-12-15

Entities that IT-DES depends on:


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
commercial development toolsunknown Pierre Baehlerunknown2009-11-05
SVN Serversunknown Juan Manuel Guijarro(none)2009-11-05
CVS serverswont Juan Manuel Guijarrounknownwill stay with SLC4 until end of CVS service2010-12-15
Engineer Desktopunknown Nils Hoimyrunknown2009-11-03


nameversionstatusresponsiblesupportdependency statuscommenttimestamptestdistrib
ORACLE Instant Client10gR2,11gR1unknown Nilo Segura Chinchilla(none)known issue with occi-lib2009-01-05RPM, "onlycern" repository
ORACLE Full Client Software10gR2,11gR1unknown Nilo Segura Chinchilla(none)2009-01-05Installed in AFS, access via config scripts, CERN access only
SIXTRACKunknown Frank Schmidtunknown2009-10-05http://cern.ch/frs/Source/


OKtested and worked ok, no serious problems found
TESTTest in progress
FAILTested and failed
WONTWill not be tested (e.g. not part of the certification or will be running a custom version of Linux)
WORKSFORMETested (but not neccessarily by maintainer or exhaustive), seems to work.Also used for commercial applications without formal support for this platform, but which seem to work.
UNKNOWNnot tested or no feedback from maintainer, no other reports of success or failure
MISSINGrequired (perhaps only in previous versions) but not provided