envEngineer Desktop

CERN Linux certification status

Entities that depend on Engineer Desktop:


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
IT-PESunknown Helge Meinhardfail2011-11-15

Current entity: Engineer Desktop (environment)


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
Engineer Desktopunknown Nils Hoimyrfail2011-11-14

Entities that Engineer Desktop depends on:


namestatusresponsibledependency statusblockingcommenttimestamp
Desktopok Jarek Polokwontblocking2011-11-14


nameversionstatusresponsiblesupportdependency statuscommenttimestamptestdistrib
MATLABR2010aworksforme John Evans(none)2011-05-20/afs/cern.ch/project/parc/matlab704/
Mathematica8worksforme Philippe Defert(none)2011-05-20/afs/cern.ch/project/parc/
MADX ?unknown Frank Schmidtwont2011-05-06AFS
Star-CCM+5.04 and 6.01test Nils Hoimyr(none)Startup and running locally works. (Parallel tests have to await an MPI cluster with SLC6.)2011-05-20
StarCD4.0.6wont Nils Hoimyr(none)obsolete, superseeded by Star-CCM+2011-05-20/afs/cern.ch/project/parc/starcd315c
ANSYS12.1 & 13ok Nils Hoimyr(none)2011-05-20AFS
HFSS12.1fail Nils Hoimyr(none)incompatible with glibc version2011-05-20
Cadence iUS8.2worksforme Nils Hoimyr(none)to be checked by John Evans2011-05-20
Cadence SPB16.02fail Nils Hoimyr(none)2011-05-20
Ansys Workbench13ok Nils Hoimyr(none)2011-05-27
ROXIEok Stephan Russenschuck(none)second contact: Bernhard Auchmann (uses cernlib2006-g77 and statically linked libX11, libxcb, libXau and libXdmcp)2011-10-21


OKtested and worked ok, no serious problems found
TESTTest in progress
FAILTested and failed
WONTWill not be tested (e.g. not part of the certification or will be running a custom version of Linux)
WORKSFORMETested (but not neccessarily by maintainer or exhaustive), seems to work.Also used for commercial applications without formal support for this platform, but which seem to work.
UNKNOWNnot tested or no feedback from maintainer, no other reports of success or failure
MISSINGrequired (perhaps only in previous versions) but not provided