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SLC6: Scientific Linux CERN 6

What is Scientific Linux CERN 6 (SLC6) ?

Scientific Linux CERN 6 is a Linux distribution build within the framework of Scientific Linux which in turn is rebuilt from the freely available Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (Server) product sources under terms and conditions of the Red Hat EULA. Scientific Linux CERN is built to integrate into the CERN computing environment but it is not a site-specific product: all CERN site customizations are optional and can be deactivated for external users.


Scientific Linux CERN 6 Support Lifetime

Since SLC/SL are based on sources of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6) sources the support lifetime cannot be longer than the one proposed by Red Hat. Due to CERN environment constraints (available manpower, hardware purchases procedures .. etc.) Scientific Linux CERN 6 Lifetime may be actually shorter than RHEL6 one, subject to Linux Certification Committee decision.
At present following End of Support dates are foreseen:

  • SLC6 / i386 - End of Support: 30th November 2020
  • SLC6 / x86_64 - End of Support: 30th November 2020

In addition to the above dates please note that from Q2 2016 we will not accept any request for new features. From Q2 2017 only security updates will be provided (except for CERN-specific software included). (please see: RHEL6 product support life cycle)

Certification status

Formal certification has ended and Scientific Linux 6 CERN (SLC6) has been declared as certified and supported Linux version for production use at CERN as of 1st of February 2012. The certification status page contains details about certification procedure and its status.

Current SLC6 release

Current release is Scientific Linux CERN 6.9 released on 10th of April 2017. It merges all updates released since previous releases in the installation tree.